Data access
Monthly global gridded 3D reconstructions based on upper-air and surface data, 1918-2000
Description: Monthly gridded reconstruction of temperature, geopotential height, u- and v-wind at five levels (850, 700, 500, 300, 200, 100 hPa) based on calibrating, for each grid column, a statistical model using upper-air and surface data surrounding that column against ERA40. After 1957, the file contains the calibration.
Reference: Brönnimann, S., T. Griesser, and A. Stickler (2012) A gridded monthly upper-air data set from 1918 to 1957. Climate Dynamics, 38, 475-493.
Origin: Statistical reconstruction.
Structure: One file with all variables, levels, and grid cells.
Data type: netcdf
Expected size: 1 GB
Historical Data Collection
Description: Digitized historical weather and phenological observation records collected worldwide, which will be used for assimilation into the global weather model ECHAM6
Origin: digitized books, manuscripts, logbooks, diaries from public and private archives worldwide, collected and treated by project participants.
Structure: includes thousands of records, listed in an Archive Inventory.
Data types: PDF, JPG for scanned copies, CSV for digitized data, TXT, DOC for metadata, logs and additional supporting information
Expected size: 2 TB.
Global Model Simulation Data
Description: Atmosphere and ocean simulation data
Origin: global simulations of atmosphere and ocean during the period of 1421-2015 with the ECHAM6 model, performed by project participants
Data Types: NetCDF for data files; CSV, TXT, ODT for metadata, logs and additional supporting information.
Expected size: 100 TB
Description: Codes and scripts for treatment of data
Origin: Developed by project participants
Data Types: Shell, Python, R, etc. scripts; Fortran/C/etc. code
Expected size: 10 GB
Description: Reanalysis data based on ECHAM6 simulations
Origin: Developed by project participants from PALAEO_RA_HISTDATA
Data Types: NetCDF for data files
Expected size: 1 TB